EP Stars Phase 1
EP Stars: Phase 1
For Phase 1, the distribution of the stars is as follows.
KYC approval
1000 stars
Real estate investment
5 stars per dollar
Dex trade (Coming Soon)
10 stars per dollar
500 stars per referral
(credited after the referred user invests in first property)
100 stars if you use a referral code to sign up
(credited after the investment of min 50 dollars in a real estate listing)
Bonus stars (Daily)
Bonus stars (Monthly)
Bonus Tasks Rewards (Phase 1)
Daily (100 stars on completing all three)
Monthly (5000 stars on completing all three)
Buy a property token
Invest in each listing
Refer 1 friend
Buy property tokens worth 500 USDC
Have at-least $100 in the connected wallet
Refer 20 friends
Last updated